Female Infertility

IVF/ICSI Shreshta fertility Centre

PCOD is very common among women of age group 12- 45 affecting almost 5-10% of them. PCOD causes hormonal imbalance and disturbs the menstrual cycle. A lot of women with PCOD face problems in conceiving as well. Patients usually stop ovulating.

Starting getting pimples and having irregular periods. Eggs in the follicles do not mature and are not released from the ovaries and instead form cysts in the ovary.

Egg Release Problems
The ovaries do not release an egg each month, as usually occurs during a menstrual cycle. Reproduction is controlled by a system that includes the hypothalamus (an area of the brain), pituitary gland, ovaries, and other glands, such as the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. Problems with ovulation (release of an egg) result when one part of this system malfunctions. Egg release problems may be caused due many disorders such as PCOD, Obesity, Substance Abuse, Psychological stress etc. An ovulation problem is often the cause of infertility in women who have irregular periods or no periods (amenorrhea ). Infrequently, an ovulation problem is the cause of infertility in women who have regular menstrual periods but do not have premenstrual symptoms, such as breast tenderness, lower abdominal swelling, and mood changes.

IVF/ICSI Shreshta fertility Centre
IVF/ICSI Shreshta fertility Centre

Recurrent Miscarriages
PCOD is very common among women of age group 12- 45 affecting almost 5-10% of them. PCOD causes hormonal imbalance and disturbs the menstrual cycle. A lot of women with PCOD face problems in conceiving as well. Patients usually stop ovulating,
Starting getting pimples and having irregular periods. Eggs in the follicles do not mature and are not released from the ovaries and instead form cysts in the ovary.

Uterus Problems
Conditions affecting the uterus or any other part of your reproductive system are referred to as uterine problems. Some common uterine problems include uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse and uterine tuberculosis.

a) Uterine Fibroids –The cause of Uterine Fibroids is often unknown. However, some factors such as hormones, family history and pregnancy increase the risk of uterine fibroids.
b) Endometriosis – It is generally caused by infections such as STI (sexually transmitted infections), tuberculosis and infections from normal vaginal bacteria.
c) Uterine prolapse – Ageing, lower levels of oestrogen, damaged pelvic muscles or tissues, obesity, chronic constipation, chronic cough can increase the risk of uterine prolapse.
d) Uterine tuberculosis – Sexual contact with an infected person

IVF/ICSI Shreshta fertility Centre
IVF/ICSI Shreshta fertility Centre

Fallopian Tube Problems
Sometimes the fallopian tubes might be blocked or damaged preventing the sperm from entering the uterus and fertilizing the egg. Abnormalities in the Uterus can prevent the egg from getting attached to the uterus and there by blocking the  Fallopian Tubes. The fallopian tubes can sometimes be repaired, but in vitro fertilization is usually recommended.